Activities For 50 Street Children
Street children are one of the most vulnerable groups of urban poor. They face difficulties while living in the streets, and they also develop their own ways to overcome such difficulties. The street children are homeless, and streets in urban areas are their source of livelihood where they sleep and live. Street children face difficulties in providing themselves with good sources of food, clean drinking water, health care services, toilets and bath facilities, and adequate shelter. They also suffer from absence of parental protection and security due to the missing connection with their families. In addition, there is lack of moral and emotional support. As for culture, morals and traditions, street children usually are not concerned about these values, owing to being away from their family since childhood.
Regarding their health conditions, street children are subject to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV due to unprotected sexual behaviors.
Street children are subject to dangerous and illegal activities such as drug dealing, crime, theft and gang activities. However, many of them also undertake legal economic activities such as picking up thrown out water bottles, papers, pieces of metal or iron, car washing, baggage loading and others.
Apart from these, the street children are also being used in politics for procession, demonstration and vandalizing.
However,realizing the above mentionedpathetic issues of the street children Joty has untakensome measures and services to protect these vulnerable kids
• Joty has taken a home project for 50 street children at Sonadanga, Khulna for willing street children if they want to stay in a congenial homely environment.
• Joty provides food, clothes, medicine and moral teaching as well so that they can cope with the mainstream children of the society.
• Health care is also taught so that they can save themselves from sexual harassment.
• Joty is also working on creating awareness among the street children so that no one can use them for the implementation of the political agenda.
• Joty has also a group of trained individuals who works with the street children at the very place of the street children on the basis of immediacy.
• Joty has trained individuals who teach the moral lessons to the street children at their own place.